Friday, January 30, 2004

That was the week that was...

Wow, what a week! The following things have all happened which have been pretty... eventful:

  1. Blair won the vote on top-up fees;

  2. Blair, and indeed the entire government, got an astonishing vindication in the Hutton report;

  3. It snowed just a little bit in Sheffield, thus bringing the entire city centre to a standstill, despite the fact that it had been forecast for weeks now;

  4. Greg Dyke, Gavyn Davis and Andrew Gilligan from the BBC all resigned as a result of the Hutton report;

  5. Work Permits (UK) along woth other parts of the Home Office and various other government departments went on strike

  6. The Department for Work and Pensions did not go on strike, due to them possibly getting a better pay deal

  7. Joy (my wife) has been ill

I'm not even going to mention Hutton, because it'll just get me started - the conclusions seem quite incredible, considering the evidence presented before him. Stop it...

The snow was fun. It snowed a bit Tuesday night, which didn't seem to affect things too much, and then again Wednesday afternoon. Then the temperature dropped dramatically, or something. Which meant, at 5 o'clock on the High Street in Sheffield, there was literal gridlock - cars and buses were not moving anywhere. So, being an ingenious sort of chap (er...), I decided to catch a tram over to PC World to have a look round and let the traffic calm down. Which I did and got the "I wants", closely followed by the "I have no money". After that came back and, on getting off the tram, thought my plan had worked. There was no traffic. Unfortunately, there were no buses either, or none that seemed to be going to my neck of the woods. Eventually one came (I was only waiting about 15 minutes, to be fair, but other people there had been waiting a lot longer). So I eventually rolled home at about 8 o' clock...

Every time it snows, you'd think we'd never had the stuff before - it's ridiculous. They'd been forcasting it for weeks, it had been delayed for 3 days - what more warning do you want?!

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